scope help.

In my experience, the 56mm ain't much good on a big critter huntin' gun, gets in the way. great for a p-dog shooter though, depending on the reticle.
Zeiss is excellent glass. If the price is "right" I'd buy it. You can always trade it for something that better suits your needs later on.
In my experience, the 56mm ain't much good on a big critter huntin' gun, gets in the way. great for a p-dog shooter though, depending on the reticle.

...Sort of like looking over the hood of a conventional Western Star with a big bug deflector.... You know that car in front of you thats stopped is close...... but you can't see it......:D
Been shooten my Nightforce 56mm for 14 yrs with no problems. It's all hand - eye coordination !!
I little more info on your use would help. If you hunt big game at dusk and dawn, then this is a good scope for you. If you're a target shooter, then you would probably benefit from a smaller objective so that you have less turbulence blur.
IMHO, that Zeiss scope is better suited to deer hunting during first or last legal minutes of the day.

Out here in the California high desert we usually call coyotes in within 200 yds before taking a shot. Since they are sighted using the naked eye, we don't need particularly good glass to make the shot. If that's how you hunt coyotes, then that Zeiss scope is probably overkill for your application. That's not to say it's a bad choice, just unnecessary.
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