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SCAMMER Please read


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2015
Upstate NY
Seems some low life hacked my account and figured out my password --soon as a member PM'd me--the Hacker got on to answer.
I changed my password-hopefully this helps, if it does not---LRH will be a mess.
Thanks for posting this and sorry for your troubles.

A couple of things come to mind here after reading this and Parkj5's post "beware of scammers guys." One is to use a payment site like GunTab.com when purchasing a firearm from anyone you don't know which covers about 95% of person to person online purchases. Just seems to be a no brainer when dealing with people that we don't know. I've purchased over a dozen items from people on this sight and never had an issue but there's always a slight reluctance on my part to send money out to someone I don't know and never really will without having my hands on the thing I'm buying. 3% or whatever fee GunTab charges just doesn't seem unreasonable for the assurance it brings.

The second thing that comes to mind is why we couldn't use a holding company like GunTab and FFLs to insure the security of non gun purchases. I wouldn't mind paying an extra $25 on a $4000 thermal scope to make sure the person on the other end is ligit. I'm probably the odd man out on this but it's how I feel.


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