savage model 10 action in .473 into 300 rum?


Nov 22, 2007
Grand Junction Colorado
Hello I am thinking of buying an action in model 10 staggered magazine in .473 bolt face and building a rifle from there what all would I need to get to make it into a 300 rum?
If you are dead set on using a model 10 action you have some issues to be aware of.
1. Model 10 is a short action. You won't be able to eject a loaded round. You'll have to pull the bolt.
2. You aren't starting with a RUM action. You'll have to shoot it single shot.
3. Wrong bolt head. Change it to a magnum bolt face. Easy.
4. Many consider the RUM too big for a Savage action. Some very respected gunsmiths will not chamber a savage in a RUM caliber without eliminating the barrel nut. It is claimed that these hard hitters can split the nut and start backing out the barrel.

Will you be doing the work yourself? If so do you have the quipment?

If you are/do. This is how I would do it. Start with a savage/stevens magnum rifle (7mmRM or 300 winmag). Then all you have to do is swap in the barrel of your choice. Still have to shoot single shot unless the mag well is machined to accept the RUM mag box and follower.
It is claimed that these hard hitters can split the nut and start backing out the barrel.

Geargrinder, I've heard that said before, but I've never found anyone with actual first hand experience with this. Do you know anything first, or even second hand about this? I'm curious, as I've heard it also, but never from an actual witness.

I haven't heard about it firsthand either. But, I heard it from Kirby. That was good enough for me. He is one of the gunsmiths that prefer to eliminate the barrel nut when building an utra on a savage.

Have you started building your Savage yet?
I've been shooting it with the factory plastic stock and its shooting really well (300WSM). I can't wait to put it in Joels A5

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