Savage Mark II TR: A preliminary report


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
Finally got out and shot it today. Probably should have stayed at 25-50 yards, but I am going to vanquish some vermin, so I dialed out to 100 just in case.

Setup: Savage Mark II TR, stock scope bases, Warne Quick Release rings, Tasco 2.5-10x42 AO mil-dot reticle.

Rifle: Seems to like what I am feeding it. Federal 550 Bulk Pack copper plated. I dont remember bullet weight, but probably 40 grain. I have had zero feed problems, but have only run about 60 shots in it.

Scope: Seems to hold zero, have only adjusted it for zero at this time. Will probably dial back to 50 yards and leave it, will have to see. So far it works fine.

One thing I did notice is that it took a bit to settle down. Groups initially were all over, but once I got to 40-50 seemed to settle in. I shot 2 5-shot groups at 100 yards and they were both 1moa.

Will report back after I blow up some vermin.
End Report
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