Savage 338 Lapua tight chambers..I called.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2009
I called savage and am sending in my 338lapua for not being able to pull the bolt back easy. They first said to try blackhills ammo....I am like...what? I should be able to shoot more thern 1 brand of ammo. Then they said they are aware of the tight chambers and send it in.

Has anyone had any luck on this issue?

It begs to ask if you checked the rail mounting screws to ascertain if they are proud of the inner diameter of the chamber. Easy to check, pull the bolt out entirely and take a bright flashlight and illuminate the interior of the chamber, paying close attention to the upper area below the rail. The mount screws should not protrude below the inner surface of the chamber at all. If they do, they will interfere with the bolt movement. Also, check the bolt surface for scratches, a sure sign of proud rail mounting screws.

Possibly you do have an undersized chamber. Glad I don't on my 11 LRH.

All my Savage bolt actions exhibit a stiff bolt withdrawl or at least stiffer than other bolt rifles I have.

Personally, I don't care for Black Hills ammunition, at least in .223. They are loaded hotter than all get out.
Just checking. There has been more than a couple threads concerning tight extraction, all linked to the EGW rail mounts being too long.

Somehow, I knew you already checked so my comment was redundant.

Good luck on your return. I've found Savage to be very customer oriented.
Weatherby 460, I got the same answers when I called them about my 338 lapua, Iwas told to shoot the black hills ammo, I asked to speak to someone about the brass sticking and they declined to have answers so I had them issue a pickup ticket and the ups guy was ringing my doorbell the following day. About 3 weeks went by and it showed up. So off I went to shooting it . They must have reset the headspace and polished the chamber.
It dont stick as bad as it did, but its 80% better than it was .lightbulb
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