savage 111 scope base help


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2012
wichita ks
can anybody tell me if there is a solid 1 pc base out there(weaver style) for my rifle. mine has 2 pcs and the front hangs over into the bolt area unsupported and the front ring sets right on top of thinking if it were full length it would be a little more ridged and have a little more adj. for fit. its a round front,flat rear. or will there be a problem with the ejection of the 300win.mag brass.
Weaver it's what I'm looking at, for a lower priced option if your rifle is of the newer models with rounded receiver on top front and rear

also here if you are thinking of an inexpensive 20MOA base.

I'll admit it, I'm cheap due to being strapped for cash right now
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