Ruger M77 Mk II


Mar 11, 2002
Where should I go to have a Ruger M77 accurized?? I like Model 700s and I'll probably be accurizing one of those too but I really want a 3-position safety and I'm not a big fan of Winchester. If this is a poor investment or an exercise in frustration, please let me know.
Ruger are good and strong rifle but for accurazing job that another story

for low cost strong action try a CZ with just a 3 way safety one from after maker maker or a good FN action on a used action ( the very best Mauser action never made )

or a REM 700 used with 3 way you probaly get better accuracy from a Rem 700 just depend what level of accuracy you need and what caliber you plan to use .

new Win 70 worksmanship ( inside parts ) is not amazing in quality .

good shooting


If you're not dead set on a Ruger M77, you can put a 3 position safety on a Rem M700 for less than you'd spend to tune up the Ruger. Go to to see a good selection of 3 position M700 safeties. If you already have a M77, and don't have the M700 yet, then it may be worth your while. I don't have a specific recommendation for a M77 'smith, but I'm sure somebody can do it for you.

I think the Ruger is a fine rifle, and have a nice one in 30-06, but in the end, for any "custom" work, you're better off going with the Remington.
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