Ring height


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2009
SW Missouri
Going to order a Burris XTR II 4-20x50 for my sps tactical. I have a 20 moa base already attached. I like the Burris XTR rings but looks like the only make a medium height in 34mm. Is that low enough or do I need to look elsewhere for rings?
Going to order a Burris XTR II 4-20x50 for my sps tactical. I have a 20 moa base already attached. I like the Burris XTR rings but looks like the only make a medium height in 34mm. Is that low enough or do I need to look elsewhere for rings?

If you look at their chart the 34MM item 420210 and 30MM (low) item 420221 has the same 1.00" height.



I have the 1.50" height on mine with slightly over 1/4" of barrel clearance but it works for me because I have an adjustable cheek piece and no problem with my sight height.

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