Rifle Build old Rem 700


Aug 25, 2020
Hi everyone. I have an old remington 700 and I want to use the action to build a new one.

I'm thinking in a semi DIY project, but maybe Im crazy an is a lot more complicated and I am underestimating the project. Everything ok with gunsmiths but I want to get the satisfaction of doing by myself.

The idea is to have a lightweight 7mm rem mag that shoot sub-moa, hopefully 1/2 moa. I'm willing to hear anyone and change anything.

My overall plan is to send the action for blue print at Mile High Shooting. Then order a chambered barrel, recoil lug, muzzle brake, stock, trigger and bottom metal. All premium stuff! I'm planing putting myself all things together.

For me doesn't look very dificult but maybe I'm missing something. Most gunsmiths need 4-6 weeks to build a custom after they have all the hardware. So maybe it is not as simple as I think.

I don't have experience as a gunsmith. I have only changed a barrel once and do glass bedding a lot of times and pillar bedding a couple.

I will wait for your thoughts and opinions before discussing and choosing rifle parts manufacturers.

Thank you very much!
I'd get a quality Remage barrel and try it 1st before blueprinting. The old 700s were quite good actions.
It's not complex. You'll need a bbl vise, action wrench and headspace gauges.
If this is a hunting rifle you don't need 1/2 moa unless you plan on hunting gophers.
1st shot consistency is far more important than group size.
I've done several, very rewarding.
Check UTube.
Kind of important to have the barrel before blueprinting, this is so that the bolt face can be trued square with the chamber etc. Just pointing that out, sounds like a fun project!
Thanks you very much Sheep Seeker and Niobium. I will order the barrel before deciding on blueprinting. I know I dont need 1/2 accuaracy!! It will be a hunting rifle and 1 moa is ok!
Kind of important to have the barrel before blueprinting, this is so that the bolt face can be trued square with the chamber etc. Just pointing that out, sounds like a fun project!
The bolt face is squared to the center line of the action. The chamber should be concentric to the bore of the barrel. When the barrel and receiver are joined good machining practice aligns the 2 very closely. Square shoulder on the barrel to squared face of the action, ground parallel recoil lug (with its hole that slips over the barrel tenon 90* to the parallel sides) sandwiched in between. A square shoulder end of a barrel nut might be substituted for the square shoulder on the barrel. True the action before installing the barrel. Simple mechanics. And yet again the myth persists that "older is better".
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Are you going to go with a Remage sort of connection? If not then getting a shouldered barrel spun up for a trued-up 700 action will be difficult for two separate businesses to do. The thickness of the recoil lug is a factor as well.
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