reticle turning brown/gold


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2013
what causes the reticle to turn goldish color in a scope? i picked u a meopta meopro with the #4 reticle and when in any kind of sunlight the reticle is shiny and gold colored. i put it side by side with the 3.5-10x44 meopta and that reticle stayed perfectly black the whole time in the sun. is this normal ? its definitely annoying
I'm not sure robster. I've got a couple of bushnell elites that are flat black no matter the lighting conditions, and I've got a couple that also turn sort of light brownish when the lighting gets dark... Not sure about looking directly into the sun, because I've never done it and it's quite overcast today.

Anyhow... I actually prefer those 2 scopes that look lighter under darkened conditions as when I am looking at black shadowed backgrounds hunting in the early morning or evening, I can clearly make out the reticle as opposed to the other 2.

Perhaps someone with more experience can illuminate lightbulb this matter better than myself.... But I do think I know what you mean.

also when when lookn thro the scope and i tilt it to make it blackout..u can see the shiny gold reticle perfectly against the blacked out background. i did this with my other scope and u could barely see the reticle at all. maybe its no big deal in hunting scenarios. ive just never seen one so gold colored
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