Repeated hang fire

Doug Herold

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2017
I hunt with a 50 cal Redemption. The gun, up until this year has performed flawlessly. Accurate as most Center fire rifles. I load Blackhorn powder in the gun and up until this year have been using Remington primers in it. Well, I was getting low on primers and my local dealer didn’t have Remingtons in stock, so I bought CCi’s.
My cousin and I were hunting together one “COLD” morning. Temps were in very low teens. He texted me that he was not able to “get on” a very good deer that went above him. Since I was higher on the mtn, I knew the deer was between us. Easing along, I jumped the deer and was able to put a round in him. The shot hit him high (spine) and I needed to follow up. On the 2nd. shot the gun hang fired, when it finally went off, I had already pulled off the deer ( because the rifle never did this with the Remington primers). The nxt two follow up shots failed completely with the CCI’s. I had to text my cousin to come kill the animal... very bad.
Of course the CCI’s are in the trash and I’m going back to the Remington primers. Any other thoughts on the Redemption, effects of very cold weather,
on primers, etc.???... I also noted that the spent CCI’s left much heavier powder residue around the primer and breech.
OK, thanks. I clean the breach plug / flash hole out with a wire of appropriate gauge. Guess I HAVE to do that EVERY time I fire it....?

Cleaning the flash hole isn't what's necessary each time you fire it, not if the breech plug is designed to shoot BH. What will cause more problems is that the flash CHANNEL gets filled with carbon. In most, not all, cases its related to one of two things, 1) improper breech plug, 2) carbon build up in the flash channel.

I'm not positive, someone may correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your rifle should have a 1/8" flash channel. Take a 1/8" drill bit and see if your FC is full of carbon. Refer to the photo posted above. IF...… there is a carbon buildup in the channel, it will chip out when twisting the drill bit BH HAND into the flash channel. Twist it until it bottoms out. You'll know when.
Some shooters chip the carbon out of their FC's every 5 or so rounds. Others just wait until they clean the rifle after a range session.
If you haven't tried this, I'd suggest it.
Cleaning the flash hole isn't what's necessary each time you fire it, not if the breech plug is designed to shoot BH. What will cause more problems is that the flash CHANNEL gets filled with carbon. In most, not all, cases its related to one of two things, 1) improper breech plug, 2) carbon build up in the flash channel.

I'm not positive, someone may correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your rifle should have a 1/8" flash channel. Take a 1/8" drill bit and see if your FC is full of carbon. Refer to the photo posted above. IF...… there is a carbon buildup in the channel, it will chip out when twisting the drill bit BH HAND into the flash channel. Twist it until it bottoms out. You'll know when.
Some shooters chip the carbon out of their FC's every 5 or so rounds. Others just wait until they clean the rifle after a range session.
If you haven't tried this, I'd suggest it.

Well... looky there gentlemen what came outa that flash channel !!!! I never woulda thought there was that much carbon obstructing the ignition process. Thank you fellas for your help with this. I think there will a difference now.
Well... looky there gentlemen what came outa that flash channel !!!! I never woulda thought there was that much carbon obstructing the ignition process. Thank you fellas for your help with this. I think there will a difference now.View attachment 172704

Glad that you finally got all that carbon out, which will improve your ignition. Next range day, please respond back with how things worked.
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