repeatable scope for ar 15


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2013
Hi . I wana put a scope on my flat top ar 15 , that I can dial distances out to say 600 yards with my 77 grain smk handloads . With chrismas and all I would like to spend 500 or less . My funds are a littel low now. Can anyone think of a repeatable scope for under 500 . Thanks
2012-11-29_11-03-28_919.jpg . Somthing like the vitals on these babies.
Ok iam thinking of a zeiss conquest. And then putting a target turret on it. Question do I need a parra lex adjustment for shooting to 600 with say 12 power max.
The SWFA super sniper line fills the bill. The 3-9 is 600, but the fixed powers are 300. They are repeatable and durable.
The Super Sniper @ 10 power should do you well except for close shots.

Do you thing your AR could hit a kitty @ 600?

You'll need some thing with a 44-50 MM end bell unless all your shooting is done at high noon.

Parallax adjustment would be a must, I'd think.
Iam pretty sure my ar is up to the task with the right glass. Thinking the 3-5 swfa ss- or the vortex hst. There both more that 500 though.
I dont know about 1/2 moa adjustments. Kinda seems like a lot. If I was off one click it would mean 3 inches high or 3 inches low. Just dont know I guess mabey it would be ok, ?
Didn't intend to be rude regarding shooting the AR to 600. Simply don't do it myself.

I just mounted a Vortex Diamondback DBK-04-BDC on my Sig 556.

Well under 200 bucks. Darn good thing, so far. Just a schochi bit tight on the eye placement for a good sight pic. Seeing as how I don't have much respect for these "gas guns" I figure it's good enough for a bit over 300 yards.

Wouldn't want to click the scope for shooting but the clicks while very light are seem accurate enough to suit me.

Turns out the 60 V-Max w/26.5 gr RL-15 when zero'd @ 100 puts the POI exactly on the top edge of the first hash down @ 200 and exactly on the second hash @ 300 yards.

The last several groups were under MOA averaging 0.7 MOA at 300.

Groups were left and right of dead center due to slight wind changes which is why I don't prefer to shoot light bullets with brick like bc at much distance.

Pretty sweet for local sage brush yotes tho.

I don't much go for the BDC reticle idea but with some practice it may be an option for reaching out a bit. Just a tho't.
I sure wana try my ar at 600 . I like dialing distance might not be as fast but iam fine with that. Still hunting for a scope for dialing . Kinda think I need parallex adj on the side also. Mabey I don't but i wanna play it safe..
I sure wana try my ar at 600 . I like dialing distance might not be as fast but iam fine with that. Still hunting for a scope for dialing . Kinda think I need parallex adj on the side also. Mabey I don't but i wanna play it safe..

THe side adjustment is a must for sure.

Most fixed power scopes are parallax free at a 100 or so yards. Beyond that you have to move your eye way back to shrink the field of view to center the reticle consistently. Pretty much a big pain.

Good luck with your quest.

The only downer with the SuperSniper fixed higher power scopes as in 16X is the 40MM objective takes it out of play at both ends of the day. Loved the scope except for that. Made it useless in the mountains except for around mid day.
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