Remington choice... 700P - Sendero - SPS Tactical


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2005
South Carolina
For those of you familiar with Remy I am going to get one of the above either a 7mm Ultra or 300 Ultra, which rifle would you choose? And if you have the time, would you tell me what you like better?

Also any discussion on those calibres would be nice as there is still not a lot out on them. I am leaning toward the 7mm Ultra bacause the bullet trajectory is almost IDENTICAL between these two... and it wont knock my shoulder off,,, as much /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Plus near as I can tell, I could hunt anything in this planet with a seven and the right load. Reason i add that is I like most hunters have asperations of hunting the Grizzly and Africa one day.

Hey, ALL thanks for your time!
If I had it to do over again, I would have gone with the 300UM instead of the 7MM UM that I have. The 300 is pretty close in trajectory and the amunition choices are a little better (If you are not a handloader). No matter which one you choose, a break would be the way to go.

I have owned several Sendero's in different calibers and have only owned one 700P. Once the barrels are broke in properly, and with fine-tuned handloads, I think they're both capable of good accuracy (sub .5"). I think the only difference is the stock. Personally, I like the Sendero stock over the PSS or 700P.
I don't have any experience with the SPS, and have only shot the 7RUM for a friend. Did not like the blowback from the "required" muzzle break. JohnnyK.
The .300 RUM doesn't recoil near as bad as you think it will. It all depends on the powder your using. Slow burning powders really make a differance and if its still too much have a muzzle break installed. Buy the Sendero, the weight will help tame the beast even more.
If I had it to do over again, I would have gone with the 300UM instead of the 7MM UM that I have. The 300 is pretty close in trajectory and the amunition choices are a little better (If you are not a handloader). No matter which one you choose, a break would be the way to go.


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Do you feel that the 300 projectile performs better than the 7mm? Or is it only ammo selection?
I have owned several Sendero's in different calibers and have only owned one 700P. Once the barrels are broke in properly, and with fine-tuned handloads, I think they're both capable of good accuracy (sub .5"). I think the only difference is the stock. Personally, I like the Sendero stock over the PSS or 700P.
I don't have any experience with the SPS, and have only shot the 7RUM for a friend. Did not like the blowback from the "required" muzzle break. JohnnyK.

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Hey Johnny, you say good accuracy... do you have a rifle you would recommend over Sendero. They come with a steep tab, one that i am willing to pay, for accuracy. My last few purchases have not been shooters, I NEED A SHOOTER! It is killing me. I have not bought yet, and would love recommendations.
Also, you say required muzzle break. Is kick on the 7mm that bad? I do not really want a break. What do you shoot?

Thanks ALL for the help - Rod
I have both the 7 and 300. The 300 is a bdl in a lss stock and the 7 is a lss in a HS precision stock. Factory bbl's. Neither have a break. Both are quite shootable. The 7 kicks less so I can shoot about twice as many rounds from the bench with top end loads; 160 accubond and retumbo vs the 300 with rl25 and 200 accubond. But have no problem taking punishment for 20-30 rds from the 300 in a session. With the 7 I get accuracy at 3550 fps with the 140 accubond/RL25 and 3250 with the 160 accubond/retumbo. It is super accurate with the 150 partition/RL25 at 3400-3450. With the 300 The accuracy is at 3150 with the 200 accubond. The 140s are a breeze to shoot. I really like both but the 7 is a "little" easier to shoot accurately. I think you get more performance from the 300 though. Can't go wrong with either. Keep the barrels cool no matter what and they will last longer.
No, absolutely not. I have only shot the "older" version Sendero's. I shoot the 7mmMag in a 700P right now. I traded a Sendero for that and so far haven't shot it alot. I have worked up a 140gn TSX load @ 3250fps that prints in the .4" range. The 7mag Sendero that I traded shot in the .2-.3 range religiously, but the barrel was almost on its last leg.
I guess it depends on how big a boy you are as to when a muzzle break is or isn't required. Recoil is subjective and I don't care for a lot of it. The RUM's have more than I care for, other people don't mind them. I broke my neck in a motorcycle accident four years ago and don't want to have that happen again while at the range! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I have owned two Savage's 110 FP (.223 and 7mm Mag) that were incredible shooters and could hang with the Sendero's for less initial money. I invested in aftermarket triggers and never liked the "Tupperware" stocks, but to each his own. Anyway hope this helps. JohnnyK.
Can't help you with the Ultra. I have two Senderos(300SAUM SFI and 7RM SFII) and one 700P 300WM. They will all shoot less than 1/2" @ 100 for three shots but, the 700P has turned in quite a few .25 and less as well as a few .6s at 200. I've been stocking up on components for the 700p as I've mostly just done load development. I've got 600 190 MKs, 10lbs of H4831, and several 1000 215 GMMs. Looking foward to seeing what she'll do at 300 and 400+.

There's rumors floating around that Remington uses better grade barrels in the 700P line-up but, like I said they are rumors to the best of my knowledge.

I can say that both the Sendero SFII and the 700P are very fine factory rifles.

Good Luck


I can say that both the Sendero SFII and the 700P are very fine factory rifles.


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I can second that - I have owned three 700Ps, (when they were called 700 "PSS").

A kinda rough in the finish department, but all three shot well.

had 300 ultru! awsome gun! groups started opening up on me at 650 rnds 7 ultra burns about same powder as 300! 7 ultra is awsome also! I went with 7 mag now, I think barrel will last a little longer (I hope). 1/2 a dozen of one or the other! I think a guy needs one of each! WHY NOT? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
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