Remington 700 ADL 7mm Rem Mag?


Oct 7, 2014
Hey guys I have searched for the answer to my question but have not had any luck. I am wanting to add a wood stock (boyds) to my deer hunting rifle, Remington 700 adl 7mm Rem Mag. I know it is a long action but my question is does it need to be a magnum stock? The reason im asking is because ive saw both magnum and long action stocks listed but boyds just says long action? Can someone point me in the right direction?
I know that Boyd's stocks are reasonably priced but how do they hold up on a hunting gun?

They will hold up just fine. Laminated stocks are very stable and very strong. The only drawback is they are a little heavier than the high end fiberglass and carbon fiber stocks. I would recommend glass and pillar bedding.
I really appreciate the help! I ordered the prairie hunter stock with the limb saver recoil pad. I hope it turns out good.
I tried to pillar bed a boyds and the laminate literally crumbled under the bit. I suggest you find the smallest diameter pillars and use a sharp bit w/ a drill press and good luck.

I think you'd be fine just bedding it.
I ordered the miles and Gilbert bedrock bedding kit, I think that may be all that I do to the stock so I don't mess it up.
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