Remington 700 7mm to a 6.5x284


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2016
Fort Ashby WV
Can a magnum bolt be used for a 6.5x284. Is there any way to make it work vs buying a long action that is not a magnum? I have a Rem 700 in a 7mm mag and want to put a 6.5 barrel on it and have it made into a 6.5x284. Any ideas?
You could buy a different bolt that has the correct bolt face you want then have a gunsmith fit the bolt for you but aftermarket bolts aren't cheap and you may be better off just buying a different action. If you watch the sales, places like Walmart have ADL Rem 700's on sale all the time and one in 270 or 30-06 would suit you needs as a donor action. I've seen them in the $350 range and you can usually get $50-$75 for new take off barrels so that brings your cost down under $300 for a complete action. I think just a bare bolt like one from PT&G goes for around $250 then you have to pay a gunsmith to fit to your action.
You could buy a different bolt that has the correct bolt face you want then have a gunsmith fit the bolt for you but aftermarket bolts aren't cheap and you may be better off just buying a different action. If you watch the sales, places like Walmart have ADL Rem 700's on sale all the time and one in 270 or 30-06 would suit you needs as a donor action. I've seen them in the $350 range and you can usually get $50-$75 for new take off barrels so that brings your cost down under $300 for a complete action. I think just a bare bolt like one from PT&G goes for around $250 then you have to pay a gunsmith to fit to your action.

Or......, you can have a gunsmith who has a Remington LA bolt with a .473 bolt face fit that bolt to your rifle.
I'd like to know where I can sell new Rem.700 take-offs for $50-$75! Most consider them scrap. Better to buy the action only, as those rifles sold at WallyWorld are dragged behind a truck, down a freshly graveled road, before being shipped to the store. Maybe they drag them on the way to the store! I happen to have a couple of spare LA bolts w/std bolt face. Pm me if interested.
I use the "wallyworld/cheapo" adl's as basis for builds all the time. same action as any rem.700, just has "SPS" finish, true up just like any other 700. and if you "coat"(cera/dura/bead blast) the rifles anyway, who gives a s--- about the finish
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