Remington 700 300 PRC CIP fit to ramp


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
The Question: How the heck does anything feed from a CIP length AICS mag/magwell when the feed ramp extends over the front of the mag? See picture below. (it lines up exactly the same in the stock. I even took my son's RUM action to see if it was inletted differently, seems exactly the same as my regular long action)

Does the action need to be milled to line up with the front of the mag/magwell? If so, what does that do to the ramp? OR do I just have the wrong size action all together? I'm a little to chicken to chuck it up on the mill wo/knowing a little more.

History: I've built several variable shoulder rifles over the last 10 years. Most were single shot for bench shooting, never worried about mag fed. I'm no gunsmith but I've built a few dozen rifles and a few dozen AR(s) so far. Mostly in standard easy cartridges. 223, 20 practical, 243AI, 6.5CM, 308, 6.5-06Asquared, 300WM, etc
Last month I built myself a 300PRC for hunting. Remington 700 long action. Put it into a Greyboe Phonix2 stock w/M5 bottom metal. When I ordered it I just got the M5 long action magwell, not knowing there was such a thing as a CIP length magwell. Sure enough went to load a 212g Hornady ELD hunting bullet into the plastic magpul AICS mag I had laying around and the bullet doesn't fit down inside the magazine. Quick google foo search & I'm feeling stupid not knowing about CIP length magwells. Greyboe was AWESOME and let me exchange my long action magwell for a CIP length. I'm still waiting on my AICS CIP length mags to arrive but...


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Quick update. I talked to Greyboe and asked for help.

Response was: "The action will not take CIP/3.850 length mags. You would have to take the action to a gunsmith and mil the bottom of the action to open it up to accept CIP length mags."

The search for actual information continues. I can't believe it isn't readily available with the number of 300PRC guns that are out there. Maybe I'll have to go find a factory one and check it out. More info as I find it.
Surely one or more of the smiths on here will chime in.I helped put together a couple of Rem 700 338LMs with the M5 CIP btm metals. One in a B&C stock and one in a grayboe. Neither action had to be milled to work. Simply put them in the stocks, bolted them down and done. Hope that helps and surely someone with more experience than I will give more and better advice.
I also.should add that we used PTG btm metal and not Grayboe but I wouldn't think that would make any difference. CIP should be CIP I would think. They all take the same mags anyway.
That's what you do. Mill it to accept it. You already answered your question.

Send it to Justin at Kinport Peak. He will do it for a minimal cost and send it back to ya quick.

Or buy the Ultra Mag cut action next time
I'll double check but I'm pretty sure the picture show is with RUM action & it appears to be cut the same as my 300wm action the barrel is currently on.

Have the gear, want to risk doing the work myself...just have the first time jitters not having a picture or diagram to be 100% sure what I'm milling out. Good fun, but at least it isn't a super expensive custom action that I'm possibly going to screw up.
Longtine88, thank you!!!

It only took me another hour to find exactly the same information & some pictures you just sent. I'll copy my google foo results here too.

Consensus seems to basically surround something close to this: "In a 700, in most cases you can cut .125" into the feed ramp on center with a 1/4" endmill will work for you, but put your rifle together first and see if that will be enough for your bottom metal, mag and ammo length to feed. Brake sharp edges after milling with cratex and a dremel."
"Put a scope rail on the receiver to level in your mill vise and fill the chamber area with paper towels to keep metal dust and chips out of they counter bore."

Also feeling a little more confident seeing Hawkin's Precision commenting about the notch on the feed ramp route along with a comment that Surgeon actions have been doing this for 20 years. (unverified)


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