REM 700 .28 Nosler


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
Spanish Springs, NV
I had Pac-Nor rebbarel a Rem 700 That was originally chambered in .300 Weatherby Mag to a .28 Nosler. I'm reading in some places that a LAUM follower is needed for it to feed properly. I'm also reading that that is bull and what I need is a LAUM magazine box. Which is correct? I have searched for an hour or so for the LAUM follower and found that there may be no such critter. I have already touched the inner rails of the action with a file to open it up so the fatter case will pass through. I left it pretty tight till I can get the proper follower or mag box to test it all out. Hopefully one of you fine gents can get me on the right track. Not sure it makes a difference, but it's all going in a factory KS Mtn Rifle ADL stock made by McMillan in the early 90's.
What you need is the ultramag magazine box and to open the feed rails until the case barely slips through them. The regular magnum follower is fine. here is the mag box

Now to your problem that I see, Remington never made an ADL ultramag mag box that I am aware of, all I have ever seen is the BDL ultramag box. So you will have to shim the bottom of the BDL box in the bottom pocket of the stock, this will keep the mag box up by the feed rails of the action. ADL and BDL boxes are not the same height, ADL boxes are taller.
Thank you sir! I will order a BDL mag box tonite. Would it be possible/feasable to remove the screw tab off an ADL box and weld it to a BDL box to eliminate the need to shim the shorter box?
Im sure that would work too, make a small tab and screw it in place, put the mag box in the action recess and tac weld the tab to the box.
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