Reliable 30mm scope rings/bases?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2011
Southeast PA
Hey all! After months of saving and shopping around, I finally bought my Weaver Tactical 3-15x50mm EMDR scope! I can't wait to get it!

It's home will be atop my Savage 10FP .308. I want to do this the right way, so I am asking all of you (particularly those of you who shoot heavy-recoil guns) for your opinions:

What rings should I use with this scope? I have pondered Burris XTR and Weaver Picatinny rings. I want rings that will torque down tighter than a virgin and STAY THERE! I will be lapping them and aligning them and Locktight will be used just to be safe.

I am also looking for tips on TWO PIECE BASES. I cannot use a one piece because the inside spread of the base mount holes is 25/1000ths off, which means that a one piece wont fit :-( Savage has offered to fix the issue, but I dont want to wait 8 weeks to get my gun back!

Any help would be great. Please let me know. Thanks!

QUOTE] Locktight will be used just to be safe.

It's only a .308. If you do all of this and want to take it apart someday you may have to get out your Dremel out & start drilling away.

i agree with kittens. the burris rings with inserts are slicker than snot on a doorknob! especially with 2 pc bases. the alignment is criticle and just because you lap them doesn't mean they'll line up. and the last thing you need is putting stress on the scope tube. the most common way to ruin a scope is to crank down on those screws making them tighter than a virgin! the inserts have more gripping power than any tacticle ring and the leupold dovetail is at least as strong.
I have Burris XTR rings/bases on several of my rifles and love them. I agree you can screw up a scope very quickly by setting the screws too tight. The XTR has six screws per ring which I like (which means you don't have to screw them down so hard).

I have some XTR's on a 300 win mag and am shooting 208 Amax's at 2960; I have had this set up going for several hundred rounds and am still zeroed. I have also taken this gun on several hard hunts and fell about 10 feet with it last year. My scope (a 10X super sniper) was still on afterward.
I decided on Burris XTR rings and Leupold Mark 4 bases. Thanks all! I do want to send gun back to Savage to have them rework the screw holes.... After coyote season...
Burris XTR rings and Ken Ferrel one piece base. Base can be had in any number of +MOA off sets. I have three of these set ups on my Savages, two long action and one short. The way to go INOP. I bed the base to the receiver with devcon steel putty.
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