Reamer throat dimensions?


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
SW Pennsylvania
Got 4 prints for the 6.5-06 AI and am going to make a custiom Carbide reamer at my shop. I am a precision grinder and have made chamber reamers in the past. I got a couple reamer prints for the 6.5-06 AI and all the dimensions are the same execpt the throat lengths . Was wandering what lenth to go with being that i'm going to be shooting the 130-140 Berger VLD's 95% of the time.

Thanks Roy
Got 4 prints for the 6.5-06 AI and am going to make a custiom Carbide reamer at my shop. I am a precision grinder and have made chamber reamers in the past. I got a couple reamer prints for the 6.5-06 AI and all the dimensions are the same execpt the throat lengths . Was wandering what lenth to go with being that i'm going to be shooting the 130-140 Berger VLD's 95% of the time.

Thanks Roy

I would go with .225 and if later you wanted to go more you can order/build a throating

The Berger's can be seated out further than most other bullets so the throat does not have
to be as deep.

You might give the reamer makers (PT&G or Mansion) a call and get there opinion.

You might shoot elkaholic (Rich Sherman) a PM, he has a chambering called the 6.5 Sherman that is perfectly set up for the 140 Berger!!
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