I would recommend mil-dots but that's what I've been trained on and I practice a lot with them. If you go with a leupold scope, I would spend the extra bucks and buy one from Premier Reticle and have them install their new 2nd Gen midot. I love that new reticle.
I would stay with mildots over the ballistic plex for one reason. I doubt you'll ever find a bullet/load combination that will match the ballistic plex trajectories. A 10 to 20 degree change at long range will screw things up. Mil-dots are a consistent means of ranging and do not get affected by atmospheric changes.
This is not to say they are easy to use. Yes, easy to understand the formulas especially when you cheat and purchase a Mil-Dot Master. But you must practice with them and practice a lot. Most new shooters who learn to use them can break the mil-dots down to 1/2 and maybe 1/4 increments. This works fine out to about 500 yards. But you should practice enough so you can break them down to 1/8th increments, though I know a few marine corp. snipers who can break them down to 1/10th increments. The smaller the increments you can break them down to, the more accurate you'll be a longer ranges. If you want the formulas for mildots in yards or meters, just email me.
I've never tried to figure out the TDS reticle, though I've seen and tried the Horus (Horror) reticle. Way toooooooooo much information on the reticle for me, plus the ballistic program that comes with it is suspect at longer ranges.
Just my $0.02 worth. Hope it helps