Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

Just winding down the first day and all went well. I patrolled from Panama City to lake city in helicopter. You can definitely see the line where it came through east of Tallahassee. I have heard it got rough in Georgia too. We are headed back out early in am. I am staying here In Tallahassee and working eastward now


They said it was a cat four when it made landfall. I rode out a cat two on a ship once three days of not being able to sleep because you couldn't stay in your rack, I can't imagen a cat four. I'm glad you and yours are okay and wish the best for you in the coming days with all of the long hours of work ahead of you, stay safe and aware.
Yesterday the coyotes started talking at 7:30 in the morning, I saw one just sitting on the top of a ridge looking at some antelope at 7:00. They were in smaller groups, but all sounded like this year's young. There were three groups of them not any were by themselves, except the single on the ridge. It's still getting in the lower nineties here and the air quality is in the unhealthy range running in the 100's and got to 190 yesterday afternoon.
Yes, we could use some rain, we used to get some cooler weather and rain the first couple of weeks in September with an average day time temp. of 71 F. Right now, we are also under a red flag fire alert as well. I defiantly don't want to see the amounts of rain that they got out hurricane Halene. The pups are getting out and about but running around with each other. I have seen better food for them this year than in several years, there are a lot of rabbits and birds, the grouse are plentiful.
Well we got all the transmission lines back up today. It was a good day and great team work from all the guys to make it happen before dark. Another day tomorrow starts early trying to clean up all the dead and leaning trees on the edge of the r.o.w.
I am about due for some of that Wyoming mountain air but there is an another storm forming in the same place and expecting similar path.


Lessons learned from the past then being prepared for the next similar event helps so much in all of life's ventures. We got the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, for a reason. And I have seen this scenario played out repeatedly. It's obvious that the guys in Florida learned and got ready then did things efficiently. With hunting and calling it pays to take note of what did and did not work the way we wanted them to so that we can add them to our list of dos and don'ts.


Dropping trees and dodging gators the guys have been busy

