Having thought a little more about this and having been in a similar situation there may be a more straight forward approach. I own a couple of Huskemaws with calibrated turrets. Since you will be shooting at a fixed distance and known conditions at the range, I would apply correction factors to your 7000 ft turret. For each 2000 ft elevation change 700-1000 yards come up 2 clicks., about a 6 click up change for 1000 yards. For each 25 degree change in temperature for the same distances, 1 click up , for a drop in temperature, opposite for an increase. I have found that this method gets me very close with my 6.5x284 with comparable ballistic performance to your load. I may not be perfect but you may find it will get you close enough to fine tune for having some fun at 1000 yards. I have used these corrections successfully with changing field conditions while hunting with a fixed turret. I would expect that for 500 yards or less, you would have a total turrret adjustment of no more than 2, maybe 3 clicks up to correct for the elevation change with your load. As previously mentioned in the prior post, I would make sure the 7000 ft turret is zeroed at 200 yards at the 1000 ft range you are visiting.