Putting a brake on cerakoted barrel?

el matador

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
I've got a 300 win Cooper rifle headed this way with the dark earth cerakote. No brake. Could a gunsmith thread the barrel on this gun without messing up the coating? I realize I would have to get the brake and/or thread protector coated as well, or live with 2-tone.
If you want it to be perfect. I would suggest having the brake installed then re cerekote. It's going to be hard to match the color exactly. Spend a little extra and make it 100%
You might get lucky, but, chances are you won't. All work mechanical, stock work, etc should be complete before applying the finish. Coating , bluing, whatever should be the last step in the process.
Just had a fella rechamber mine and didn't have to repaint. A brake should be easier than that.
Actually setting back and rechamber is a lot easier to retain the finish. The barrel is the same as or smaller than the lug and action so the cut edge is hidden.

On a brake depending on if the brake is tapered to exactly fit the barrel for a seamless finish is a bit trickier when you are looking to not disturb the Cerakote.

A brake seems draws in the eye where the barrel to action fit is hard to evaluate because of the large steps on the fit. When you are looking for flush or blended taper any little edge seems to be a magnet for people to drag their thumbnail over the joint to evaluate the fit.
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