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For Sale Proof Elevation MTR 6.5 Creedmoor TFDE


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
New Mexico
II have a Proof Elevation MTR (mountain tactiicle rifle) in TFDE camo, 6.5 creedmoor. It has about 250 rounds through it, shoots 130 bergers .5 moa. This is a very easy shooting light weight rifle, origin action, triggertech trigger, proof barrel and carbon stock. Shot a few Antelope at 500 plus with it but just don't shoot it anymore. Comes with 1 magazine and thread protector. Can answer any calls or FaceTime. Flexible on payment types. $2300.00 shipped to your FFL. 20250202_182050.jpg20250202_182050.jpg20250202_182027.jpg20250202_182032.jpg20250202_182120.jpg20250202_182124.jpg

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