Project Barrelling Assistance Required

Double Dropper

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2015
Beaver County, Alberta
Gents, have an issue, I was given ( inheritance ) a BSA Model P-17 that I sporterized into a decent hunting rifle. I added a custom one piece picatinny rail, Timney trigger, MPI glass stock, muzzle brake and had magazine extended to accommodate a 300 Win Mag, added a muzzle brake and its now at the stage that I was looking at a custom barrel. This is where the problem arose, after the addition of the one piece pic rail it was trued to the action it was noticed a slight left cant to the barrel. It looks like the threads on the barrel were cut incorrectly??? Not sure if anyone has run into this before, or is the threads in the action cut incorrectly. This rifle has been around a while in the family for 3 generations and I have put a ton into it, I guess the question of the day is " is this fixable" It does shoot ok but I have visions of a fluted 27" barrel and cerakoate to complete this beast. gun)
How did you determine the barrel is off? It could be the barrel threads or action threads. It could also be the inletting of the stock making it look off.
If you rebarrel have the action faced and threads recut if you are worried about them being off centered.
How did you determine the barrel is off? It could be the barrel threads or action threads. It could also be the inletting of the stock making it look off.
If you rebarrel have the action faced and threads recut if you are worried about them being off centered.
Using lasers, lol one bolted to the action and one down the barrel. Also with the trued pic rail on the action its easy to check and measure. I guess what Iam down to is I plan to re-barrel but can the crooked threads be repaired???
Your gunsmith should easily be able to correct that problem especially if your going to rebarrel it.
The action could be twisted. When these were originally barreled at the factory they used some heavy torque. If the original barrel has been removed at some point, it could have been twisted then. I've seen it on Springfield 03s, too. They're not made of tuff alloy steel like we know today.
The action could be twisted. When these were originally barreled at the factory they used some heavy torque. If the original barrel has been removed at some point, it could have been twisted then. I've seen it on Springfield 03s, too. They're not made of tuff alloy steel like we know today.
So long story short is this fixable?:D
The action could be twisted. When these were originally barreled at the factory they used some heavy torque. If the original barrel has been removed at some point, it could have been twisted then. I've seen it on Springfield 03s, too. They're not made of tuff alloy steel like we know today.


The first Thing you have to do is find out what is wrong. First I would have the action blueprinted. This involves checking the action threads and possibly chasing them true to the action/bolt bore.
then the action face is squared to the centerline. Then the barrel should be set up in a good lathe
centered on the bore. If the barrel tenon is not true it will show and the barrel tenon should be recut and threaded along with the barrel shoulder. As per another post Install a new precision ground recoil lug if the action uses one.

There is also some work that needs to be done to the Bolt but it has no effect on your problem.

This process should identify where the problem is and resolve it.

That is a pretty thorough reply, I guess the question still arises, if the action is twisted is there a resolution??

Likely, it is one of the shoulders or the scope base holes are not drilled in line with the barrel/action center line. If the action "IS" twisted, It is probably ruined and should be trashed. (It has reached yield and can no longer be trusted). I have removed many barrels and if one does not break lose
with normal torque, I do a relief cut on the barrel at the action junction and they will unscrew by hand without any chance of hurting the action.

If anyone twisted a action I would look for another smith.

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