Primer Pocket Uniformer Depth????


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2010
Salisbury Maryland
I have a Sinclair primer pocket Uniformer that I believe has slipped. It seems as though my primers are seated in a little farther than usual all of a sudden. I thought that the optimal setting was .121-.122. I just measured my depth, and I got .127. A unfired primer is .114. The Uniformer I have is the original style, that can actually be adjusted. The new ones are solid. The shame is, I just did over a bunch of brass this weekend, and probably over cut a bunch of brass that I processed. Does anybody have that dimension handy? Thanks.
I did not get out the depth mic for a precise measurement.

I simply took a quick measurement of my K&M pocket uniformer with a digital caliper and it measures .131". The same caliper measured a CCI BR2 primer at .126".

So, it's likely that one of us isn't calibrated. Or, you're looking at small rifle while I'm checking large rifle.

Either way... I seem to recall that the desired seating depth leaves the primer about .005" below the case head surface.

-- richard
I did not get out the depth mic for a precise measurement.

I simply took a quick measurement of my K&M pocket uniformer with a digital caliper and it measures .131". The same caliper measured a CCI BR2 primer at .126".

So, it's likely that one of us isn't calibrated. Or, you're looking at small rifle while I'm checking large rifle.

Either way... I seem to recall that the desired seating depth leaves the primer about .005" below the case head surface.

-- richard

It s somewhat reassuring that you came up with .131. I did get that same number on one of my measurements. And I do believe that you are right on the distance below flush, .005 to be accurate. I may be ok, but it just seems to be more than what I had in my head as the nominal setting. I do believe it is possible for that setup to creep to the rear, asi use a cordless drill to cut new pockets, and to clean fired brass as well. I have had it since1998', and I can tell ya' that Uniformer has cut and cleaned a barge load of brass, and it is STILL sharp. I called Sinclair tonite, but the techs has left for the day. Thanks for the feedback. Boy, CRS really sucks. Ha ha.
I did not get out the depth mic for a precise measurement.

I simply took a quick measurement of my K&M pocket uniformer with a digital caliper and it measures .131". The same caliper measured a CCI BR2 primer at .126".

So, it's likely that one of us isn't calibrated. Or, you're looking at small rifle while I'm checking large rifle.

Either way... I seem to recall that the desired seating depth leaves the primer about .005" below the case head surface.

-- richard

Rich, I contacted Sinclair today, and he told me that I am in the range. The actual spec is .130, +- .001. I am at .131 exactly. I don't know why I had .121 in my head. So , I guess I am all set, and thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
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