Pressure washer for fleshing hides?

I tried it. Didn't like the way it worked so I went back to my fleshing knife and beam. I may give it another try though. I keep
Hearing how well it works so there has to be something to it.
It takes specialized equipment

Dedicated space

And a willingness to accept the mess.

And, unless you have the economy of scale to make all the above worthwhile...a beam, and proper fleshing knife is faster, easier, cheaper, and way less mess.

Try a Post fleshing knife first.

"Post" is the brand name.
I've done it multiple times on gator hides. Makes a giant mess, you will have chunks of meat and sinew in your hair if you don't wear a hat. But it is super effective.
Of note 3200psi injected through a 10 deg nozzle point blank into the back of your hand will earn you a nights stay in the ER…not that I've done that or anything….
I always wondered what those metal bracket things were on the wall at the carwash.

Pretty nice of them to put those up so a guy doesnt have to hold onto the hide as you pressure wash the fat off!

Kinda nice, too, since the mess is in THEIR garage, not mine!
Cover the camera first. Or your license plate.
I can't tell you how many hides I tossed because I could not get them fleshed right. A video of a guy pressure washing the deer hide was on my feed yesterday so I did a check on YouTube and it is a real thing. Now I need to try it. Has anyone here done it? Pros? Cons?
For real??? If that works I for one will be very interested