Pray for people's safety in Florida

I'm in Perry, it's slowing up as we get into the eye. I don't feel like it's as bad as Idalia but will have to see once the sun comes up. I'm sure I'll get plenty of Tractor time.
Hey man... You OK? I think Perry must have been HAMMERED!

I didn't even lose power and flashlight assessment reveals no damage or even limbs down. I'm about 10 miles west of Tallahassee.
I am seen on the news that the Big bend area of Florida doesn't have power and neither does South Georgia in the Valdosta Tifton Fitzgerald areas evidently there was a number of spin-off tornadoes that came out from the storm. All these areas are in our prayers plus any other areas affected
Hello everyone this is Tribb asking for prayers for the safety of everyone that will be affected by hurricane Helene. It's going to be "nasty" Thank you very much. Tribb Well I just realized how self centered and thoughtless my post sounded ! I do Apologize. I should have asked for prayers for those in any state that will be affected by the storm. How thoughtless of me I'm sorry Tribb
Prayers do nothing but lets all support relief efforts as we can.
Hello everyone this is Tribb asking for prayers for the safety of everyone that will be affected by hurricane Helene. It's going to be "nasty" Thank you very much. Tribb Well I just realized how self centered and thoughtless my post sounded ! I do Apologize. I should have asked for prayers for those in any state that will be affected by the storm. How thoughtless of me I'm sorry Tribb
AMEN! I have been praying for a while. I have families and friends throughout Helene's path.
Prayers do nothing but lets all support relief efforts as we can.
If you are NOT the praying type, then don't, but don't discourage people to pray for our brothers and sisters. As you can see the LRH community is very supportive. Why not do both? I pray that you will NEVER need any prayers.
This is in response to Old hunters question to FIGunner's post I thought it was direct to me . My apologies. Yes sir everyone one that I've contacted here in Chiefland is well and has minimal to no damage. 90 percent of Levy county is without power. We're using generator to keep refers and freezers going. No well power so no water. But I wired neighbors generator to his pump and he has water so we're good that way. No fatalities here that I have heard of that's great . Brother-in-law in Georgia said he's knows of three fatalities in their area otherwise everything in pretty good shape there he lives around milledgeville. praise the Lord! My daughter just text said someone told her that a neighbor on our road had the power back on and yippee we now have well water back. Still no power in house it on a different feed line. Ain't God great,!
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Not sure why you think prayers do nothing. Everyone talks to God at one point or another.
Well my belief about talking to God is this ! You will have the chance to talk to God one day whether you want to or not!! Jerry Clower said "you need to have a reservation for what happens next when leave this earth" Google Jerry Clower if you don't know who he was.