Practice reamer?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 46119
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Is there such a thing?

I don't know of any thing called a "Practice" reamer, But there are practice chambers.

I recommend finding a used or take off barrel (Preferably stainless) and setting it up in the lathe.
find a reamer (A good one is recommended so you can see the results when you do it right).

A good chamber doesn't need polishing so cut some of the shank (One thread at a time) and cut a new chamber and repeat this process until you have a chamber that has no defects.

It just takes practice and craftsmanship

Hear is a link to a good gun smithing book That will help. catalog/May 2013 Catalog.pdf (Page 25).

I don't know of any thing called a "Practice" reamer, But there are practice chambers.

I recommend finding a used or take off barrel (Preferably stainless) and setting it up in the lathe.
find a reamer (A good one is recommended so you can see the results when you do it right).

A good chamber doesn't need polishing so cut some of the shank (One thread at a time) and cut a new chamber and repeat this process until you have a chamber that has no defects.

It just takes practice and craftsmanship

Hear is a link to a good gun smithing book That will help. catalog/May 2013 Catalog.pdf (Page 25).

Have the book. Have not cracked it yet. Have some take offs. Watching for more.

Best reamer I have to use is the 277/26-Nosler as I will never make another one but I don't have a 277 take off barrel yet.
Cut a test piece all of the time. I will take a piece of a blank somebody cut off or I have cut off and ream it or cut a thread pattern I havnt done before to check the fit in the action and make adjustments if needed.
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