Practice question


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2015
Hi members. I live in a non lead area. So, I load up 120 barnes ttsx. "They" say don't shoot lead core then copper back to back. I don't want all my practice loads to be non lead due to expense. So what should I do? Should I shoot lead core then clean the crap out of my barrel then go back to copper for hunting?
Thanks for any feedback
IMO copper is copper and I don't understand why you need to clean between using the two. I shoot Hammer projectiles in mine mixed with Berger projectiles and I have never seen the need to clean between sessions. Someone convince me otherwise?

There are a few videos on YouTube about it, some people have their groups open up when the mix in monos. I think it's a specific barrel and rifling issue. I have had 1 barrel do it and many that didn't have issues
Just shoot the lead bullets for practice but when you want to go hunting make sure you test your copper load before going out. Using lead is better for the checkbook and practicing the fundamentals, as far as cleaning goes, i dont have much experience with switching back and forth because i have no real use for using coppper. If you google or youtube somethings about it you might find some info, i know Spomer mentioned something about cleaning down to bare metal when he switched from lead to copper and regained the accuracy that he desired. Backfire also saw results like this when he did it.
I like the Barnes 127LRX for hunting, the rest of the year I shoot traditional cup and core bullets like Hornady ELD and the Barnes Match Burners.

I have experienced the same issue switching back and forth. I can shoot Barnes copper, then switch to lead core bullets, and it settles down in a couple shots and shoots great. But if I go the other way and switch back to Barnes copper, it shoots them like crap, never settles down until I clean the barrel and start fresh. Same results across 3 different rifles here. 2 Tikkas and a Winchester.

I don't know why this is, but I do know that Barnes monos are made from 99.999% copper wire, and the gilding metal that traditional copper jackets are drawn from is an alloy of mostly copper with some amount (roughly 5%) of zinc, to soften it and make it easier to draw.
I have heard it has more to do with the actual copper alloy being different between the manufacturers. Some softer some harder, and when shooting copper jacketed bullets and monos back to back you might see accuracy differences. So best to not mix and clean your barrel to reduce the probability of greater copper fouling in the barrel.
I was shooting some 162 ELDM's yesterday. I have been shooting Hammers and Badlands previously. The cold bore shot was dead on, but the groups were inconsistent. It was hot and humid as hello. The rifle typically shoots very tight groups (given my moderate skills). I'll do a thorough job cleaning and give them another chance. There are so many variables to consider.