Picking a spotting scope


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
Northwest Ohio
Just wondering when picking a spotting scope for target shooting and spotting for critters, which scope should you go for? A straight eye piece or angled eye piece?

Just wondering when picking a spotting scope for target shooting and spotting for critters, which scope should you go for? A straight eye piece or angled eye piece?


I use an 82mm KOWA with the strait eye piece @ 27X. Virtually zero mirage and zero image shift. I can make out the pull pin on a pop rivit at about 375 yards without much trouble. Don't waste the money on coated lenses for shooting! Just ain't needed
I like straight, have both in big Zeiss and a Leica. The advantage is that with a straight lens, you can find your target much quicker. An angled lens requires you to fiddle around moving it until the target appears. Most straight lens scopes have a front sight at 12 o'clock on the objective ring, which gets you very near target without sighting thru the lens. If you use it only for target shooting, a angled lens is OK, once you set it. Then, it is very easy to move your head slightly to see target.
the straight is easier to pick up and check something you already have spotted, angled is just a matter of learning to use it in my opinion, angled also gives you a better selection of positions and its easier to look through if your not using a bipod and have it resting on your pack. you can look down into it opposed to getting on the ground with your face in the dirt to look through it
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