

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2005
An airplane was about to crash; there were 5 passengers on board, but only 4 parachutes.

The first passenger said, "I am Carl Rove, the chosen one to lead the Party! The world needs me, I can't afford to die." So he took the first pack and left the plane.

The second passenger, Sarah Palin said, I have my own reality show.
And I am the smartest woman in American history, so America's people don't want me to die." She took the second pack and jumped out of the plane.

The third passenger, John McCain, said, "I'm a Senator, and a decorated
war hero from an elite Navy unit from the United States of America". So
he grabbed the pack next to him and jumped..

The fourth passenger, Billy Grahame said to the fifth passenger, a 10-year-old schoolgirl, "I have lived a full life, and served my God the best I could. I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute."

The girl said, "That's okay. There's a parachute left for you. America's
smartest woman took my schoolbag."
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