Pacific Tool and Gauge Alternatives

TK 1985

Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
Hey guys, are there any reputable companies out there other than PT&G who produce made to fit bolts? I had an extremely bad experience my first time ordering from them, wrong handle, told me wrong information about fluting, billing mix ups, and bad excuses on top of all of it... I will not be using the company again as I do not believe that is a way to conduct business. I will have a need for that type of product again so are there any recommendations? Thank you.
Feel ya!! There are two kinds of PTG customers, those who have been screwed and those who will, the technical term is getting Kiffed!!

Nate Lambeth has posted he's going to have bolts coming out this summer from another source, I've seen a number of bad bolts and I don't even use many!!
Feel ya!! There are two kinds of PTG customers, those who have been screwed and those who will, the technical term is getting Kiffed!!

Nate Lambeth has posted he's going to have bolts coming out this summer from another source, I've seen a number of bad bolts and I don't even use many!!

What he said..^^^
I agree. I have had a very poor experience working with PT&G. I only use them if I can't find what I'm looking for somewhere else first.

Good luck!
I just fix the Rem bolts anymore, really have not seen any advantage to replacing when having to deal with Kiff, if someone wants it to fit and feel custom then for the same money a guy can run a custom action.
My experience with PT&G concluded with a less than acceptable grade for their business. My experience involved a chamber reamer. Lots of rigamarole to get the specs correct. After receiving it, turned out only about 1/2 of the flutes cut and collect cuttings. My gunsmith had to excessively fight with my reamer to get a chamber cut with it.

I like their aluminum bottom metal for Rem 700 BDLs. But I have to add it took 6 months to receive the 2nd one I ordered.

A little off-topic because I've never ordered a 700 bolt from them. Just the results of my handful of experiences on some of their other products.
Sounds like a lot of "I want someone different because.....I want someone different".

If you want something different, PTG is a good source. The possibility of getting what you ordered when they said you would get it is pretty slim.
If you want something different, PTG is a good source. The possibility of getting what you ordered when they said you would get it is pretty slim.

Not me! Im not spending my hard earned $$ on doodads such as "different" bolt knobs and grooves cut into mt bolt etc..etc.
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