yobuck, I've been to a lot of PGC meetings and stated my ideas about bear hunting with bait and hounds and hunting with AR15s. They are about as closed to the idea as most people in Pa. I remember when Gary Alt was in charge of the bear season in Pa. and he took his ideas to Maine, they all but threw him out of the state.
The problem with Pa. (and there is many), the PGC is owned by special interest groups and politicians and that is why it is near impossible to change anything.
When I first started hunting in Pa. there was "only" a rifle season for deer and bear. There was no Bow, Xbow, Inline early MZloader late season flintlock and archery season. So who makes all these different weapons ? You get the idea ? And now, it's just a matter of time before you are allowed to use AR15s for hunting bear, deer and whatever else the PGC, SIG and politicians deem ok regardless of what you or I say.
As far as hunting bear in Pa. goes you can get into a whole other discussion about out of state hunters, property owners, seasons, rifle, mzl, bows and xbows and the list goes on this is just a few.