

Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
Any of you Gents had problems with Pacific Tool and Gauge? I ordered a Reamer and Gauges six Weeks ago and have heard nothing despite having sent three emails. I will try call them Friday but it is awkward with the time difference. Is this normal for PTG?

Many thanks.

yes it is normal, 12 weeks would be about how long it takes to get a custom reamer. be patient.
Any of you Gents had problems with Pacific Tool and Gauge? I ordered a Reamer and Gauges six Weeks ago and have heard nothing despite having sent three emails. I will try call them Friday but it is awkward with the time difference. Is this normal for PTG?

Many thanks.


If they had it in stock, you should have it by now. If it was not in stock it normally takes 8 to
10 weeks to get a reamer made.

But I have had some difficulty getting things on time because of the help.

Thanks for the replies.
The lady said it was 06 Gauges they were out of.The 25-06 reamer was in stock.Maybe i am being a little impatient, i also realise things are a little Manic for all things shooting related in the US. Suprised i had no reply to mails though.
All the best things in life are worth waiting for.

Many thanks.

Placed an order with them for a 700 bolt and all the small parts to go with it. Ship date was to be 3-12 , but I didn't ask what year? Called 2 weeks a go Monday and they said another 2 weeks. Still have not gotten it.

My last two reamer orders from them took well over 12 weeks. One took over 6 months.

It is par for the course.

I need a couple more reamers, 6br and lapua AI, might look into a different source.

My last barrel order from BM was to take 4 to 5 weeks. Order date was 2 / 13/13. Called 2 weeks ago Monday and they said it was in fluting?? Still nothing and it is 4/24/13. So the 4 to 5 weeks is going on 10 weeks. I gave them the order due to short lead time I was quoted. Guess I should have stuck with Broughton or Hart, they have always held to the date they promised.

Crazy times in the gun world... Frustrating for sure.

Try calling the folks at Mansonreamers.com They are a small operation but seem to operate very efficient. They seem to keep a lot of stuff in stock and often they can make a "special" by re-grinding one of their stock parts. I have not ordered any reamers from them, but every time I have needed a head space gauge they have had it in stock, including the ackleys. They have also shipped what I needed within a few days.

There is no BS at that business so if you have been waiting a long time, give them a call and see what they say. If you are a writer, and write an article which involves using their tools you might just get a very nice discount.
JGS often has what you need on the shelf. They might be more expensive, but the reamers I've gotten from them are very good.
My experience with P.T.G. was excellent. They actually replaced a part for free that was ruined by the company I used for anodizing. The bottom metal kit I ordered had a steel (pot metal) latch and dissolved in the anodizing tank. PTG replaced the part because they sold the kit as aluminum. I did not ask them to replace the part for free. Shipping both times was the same day I ordered.
Perhaps they are overloaded like everyone else who sells gun parts. No excuse they should communicate delays to customers and not make promises they cannot keep. I tried to order parts the other day from a company that is 3 weeks behind on shipping for orders of in stock items. I'm just saying their P.T.G.'s customers service was excellent for me. Order times and availability of shooting supplies is crazy right now, and obviously some companies are handling it better than others.
Thank you for you replies. I suppose they must be very busy but i am a little disappointed they have not replied to my mails to keep me updated especially as the order is overdue by 2 weeks.
Maybe next time i will try another maker.
Thanks again.

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