I would like any info about Montana Rifle Barrels. What is your opinion on the quality? Thinking about trying one for varmit shooting. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Todd DuBose
What I should of asked in my first post, Are Montana Barrels Button Rifled or Cut or ? I see on their web page that they are hand lapped, But it does'nt state how they are rifled. Thanks, Todd DuBose
That's what I'd do. I may ask for feedback (about a company or product) on a forum, but, the answers to specific questions are best asked directly to that company. You don't get what someone heard that way, you get facts and direct answers.You can contact them at:
The Montana Rifleman
3172 Mt. Hwy 35
Kalispell, MT 59901
Phone: (406)755-4867
Fax: (406)755-9449
Email: [email protected]