older Simmons 44 mag question


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
I got an older Simmons 44 mag that is on my very first 270 win BDL I ever had. I have decided to do a little project with it. I have some stuff to reload, bedding it with pillars, bipod. But I would like t o try to keep the same scope for kicks and grins. Wondering if there are any turrets, after market or otherwise, that I could install to replace the coon turn method? If so I could really do some cheap, easy accurizing on this thing. Thanks
Called Simmons this morning. They basically said they wouldn't work on it. Not that the turrets wouldn't work, but that they won't work on it. Looks like the Stoney Points, that weren't very good from what I understand in the first place, are discontinued. I have seen a few DIY things too but nothing that really trips my trigger yet I guess. Might just have to give up on turreting my 270 win. It isn't really a great long range canidate anyways with a 22" barrel but I was gonna see what I could get out of it. I got a Vortex that I could put on there that is a few years old but I was hoping to having something smaller than a 50mm on there but we will see I guess.
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