Obama has done it again........


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2009
As you read, take it with a grain of salt. I wanted to share something with you guys and maybe someone will be able to correct me if I'm wrong or post the bill that this is under. I was told today buy a tire changing buisness owner that I better buy my tires now before the first of the year when I ask why? He said because evidently Obama has signed something that will cause the cost of tires for him to go up 50% Which means it will get past on to the customer.

If this is true I think we should let everyone know what kind of change they got........

That would be rreat if tariffs were increase on the Chinese. We would be able to compete in our own markets again. Do you know what bill that's in?
Jmason, I can see your point but why should it cost you and I more for our tires? So how could that be good for our own markets? Not trying to argue I just don't understand .

Thanks Bigbuck
bb- I guess my view is a bit selfish. I just can't stand that we compete with China on everything. I don't care if I pay more for a good US tire (or anything for that matter) as long as China get priced the same way or completely out of the game. If price was the same than most would buy USA. I'm not wealthy by any means but I have a deep dislike for China which would take us way off topic.
bb- I guess my view is a bit selfish. I just can't stand that we compete with China on everything. I don't care if I pay more for a good US tire (or anything for that matter) as long as China get priced the same way or completely out of the game. If price was the same than most would buy USA. I'm not wealthy by any means but I have a deep dislike for China which would take us way off topic.

jmason, Don't worry about getting off topic in this thread:) I don't really like china either , matter of fact just the other day I herd (hear say) that every china product that we buy here in the US a certain percent goes toward their military what a bunch of crap!! If that is true.

Anyway thanks for your replies.

the goal of this administration is to slow manufacturing and development read the Cap and Trade Bill! Even if they do not pass the current version they will backdoor other ways to increase costs. Anything that is manufactured will go up in price.
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