If you're trimming so much, you're FL sizing.
So your brass is never reaching a point of stable capacity anyway.
As mentioned, with each trimming, your capacity is changing a little bit.
Nobody can predict when this would take you out of tune to a point of detriment. If nothing else, because we all hold different standards of performance, and we all size a little differently(our chambers & loads & dies are different).
It's good to get an impression from other's experiences, but keep in mind that in reloading, we are each on our own really.
I keep my brass together in lots of 30rnds. They are never separated from each other. I don't reload any of them until I reload all of them together, by lot.
When I replace one, I will replace them all.
But in my case, this will probably never happen(hasn't yet), as I don't FL size & don't have to trim. I also shoot at a relatively low rate(cold barrel), and avoid hot loads.
Any departure from a plan like this leads to an abstract IMO, which is what I suggest as unpredictable.
But if you plan to replace brass at a set rate, well that takes it back to predictable.