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For Sale NL Pures 10 x 42's


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2017
I'm gonna hate doing this but some things have changed and I will be selling my NL Pure binos. 10 x 42. Excellent shape except one objective lens cover popped off when I was taking pics of them. Pic shown. My understanding is Swarovski will send out a replacement if you call. I called last Friday and another set is on the way, so the only ussue with these will be fixed in a couple of days. Other than that these are as close to perfect as a uses set of binos can get. No scratches anywhere. Perfect glass. Everything that comes in a new set is in the box . These were used just a few times since I bought them new in 2021. They are always stored in the gun safe and in a bino harness when out of the safe. $2,450 shipped with insurance. Someone will have to sign for them when delivered because of the insurance. Forms of payment Paypal Venmo Money Order Personal Check
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