nikon rifle hunter vs bushnell 1200 legend arc


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2011
Im currently in the makret for a range finder in the 300-400 dollar range and ive narrowed it down to these two. I just went to whole sale sports and I looked through them and thought that the bushnell legend 1200 arc was a little clearer and it seemed to range a little more consistently. I could consistantly hit low 700's yds with both the nikon rifle hunter and the bushnell legend 1200 arc, but the bushnell was a more consistetnt i didnt get blank readings as often. I was just curious if anyone had any experience with either of these.
Hi! I am also having difficulty deciding between the two and do not have the luxury of testing any of them as they are not sold in my country and I have to order from amazon.
Which one did you get? are you happy with it??? I feel like the bushnell should be a better option but it lacks the below:
- Illuminated reticle
- It is not nitrogen filled
- It doesn't have 0.1 yard resolution
- I feel the overall finish quality of the nikon is higher.

Your help is appreciated.

I ended up getting the nikon rifle hunter 1000. I am quite happy with it. Ive had it a couple month and have tested it a bit but not extensively. I can range trees out to 700 yard most the time and have hit a house @ 900 with the nikon. I am very satisfied with this unit. I personally dont feel that the illuminated reticle is that important especially after using it, but i dont mind having it. I dont believe that the bushnell actually calculates arc either, i believe that there is a list of ballistics and you pick the caliber that has the closest ballisitcs to yours and plug it into the rangefinder, which i wasnt too sure on how that would perform. but both rangefinders looked nice for the price.
Had you replied earlier I would have got the Nikon Riflehunter 1000 maybe. I already ordered the Bushnell ARC 1200 and waiting for it to arrive.
Now both units have a built-in inclinometer. The nice thing about the Nikon is that in the horizontal distance mode, you always get a horizontal distance reading up to the maximum range of the unit while the Bushnell automatically calculates horizontal distance up to 100 yards only in the Bow mode, in rifle mode it displays only direct distance, bullet drop and inclination angle so to know the horizontal distance beyond 100 yards, in rifle mode it will be Cosine (A) multiplied by the direct distance where A is the inclination angle displayed. So you need to have a calculator with you.
Hope I will not regret getting the Bushnell.
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