Nikon Monarch or Leupold VX III?


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
I have moved some scopes around on rifles and am now in need of a scope. It will go on a semi-custom 7mm Dakota that I shoot out to 600 yards. Looking for a mid priced scope that is very repeatable as I prefer turning turrets over BDC type reticles. I prefer a 2.5/3.5x10 scope. I am looking at the Monarch and Leupold. I can get the Leupold right now at a local Gander Mountain for about same price as the Nikon. I've had good luck with the Leupold in the past, using Stoney Point turrets,(which I don't like), but have not used the Nikon for any distance shooting. The new Nikon seems to have pretty nice turrets standard. I don't care for the finger adjustments on the Leupold, but I could always have Leupold change turrets. Any opinions as to how these two scopes will typically compare as far as tracking/repeatability goes? Should I also consider Sightron Big Sky? I've read good things, but don't know anyone who has one. Thanks, Al.

If you go down to the General Discussion part of the forum there is a thread on Joel Russo stocks and I posted up a couple of pictures. My rifle has a V3-LR (6.5-20X 50mm) on it. They are good reliable scopes that will do just about everything a person needs a scope to do if you wish to actually kill something.

Realize up front that the difference between a 1" tube and a 30mm tube is elevation adjustment and the difference in the regular V3 and the LR (long range) is the dial up turrets. Each thing adds costs and you have to decide what its all worth to you. The rifle in the picture was built for one thing and one thing only and that was to kill antelope at 1K. The scope was selected for that purpose.

If I was shooting whitetail deer at 600 yards, I would probably not need all of the magnification nor all of the elevation adjustment. Nor would I have added two pounds of lead to the stock of the rifle. :D

I have never shot an animal with a Nikon nor a Sightron so I am not familiar with their abilities.
Nikon Monarchs are very good scopes. They are a little cheaper than the VXIII line, have about the same clairity, slightly better light transmission, but I would say that the VXIII is a better scope. I shoot w/ Nikons because of the cost factor, but as much as I love the nikon and tell people to get them, I have to admit that the VXIII is a little better scope w/ their warrenty. As they say, to some extent you get what you pay for.
Have a look @ the Monarch X line of scopes. 30 mm tube, really good glass, really nice turrets. If you look around you can find one new for about 900.00. I think it is a fair price on a really good scope.

If you are going to consider that Monarch X, I would highly recommend taking a look at our new Clearidge Ultra XP5. In my opinion in the same class of a scope for almost half the price.
I 've owned nothing but Nikon and Leupold scopes for the last 20 years until recently when I purchased a Sightron SIII 6-24x50. I consider the Nikon and Leupold very similar, not much difference I can see between the two. I had heard and read alot of good things about the Zeiss 6.5-20x40 and the above sightron scope, both of them have the target turrets and have impeccable tracking (return to zero). The Zeiss is a 1" tube and the Sightron is a 30mm tube with 100moa of adjustment. Both are clearer than the Nikon and Leupold scopes in my opinion, I ended up buying the Sightron because of having more elevation adjustment and because of their warranty. Anything goes wrong with their scopes and they just give you a new one, and thats a lifetime warranty. I paid just under $700. for mine shipped to my door. The Zeiss was priced about $200. more. Think I'll be upgrading my Leupold and Nikon scopes to the Sightron SIII line of scopes - they're alot more bang for the buck in my opinion.
Lupy gets the nod due to their warranty, IMO. The Nikon might be a tad better, but the Lupy has less of a downside should you need warranty work.

I have three 2.5x10x42 Monarchs for sale with the duplex reticle for $269 shipped to you. They are new in the box. I ordered these for some of my rifles but later ordered some mil dots. Just trying to get a fair price back out of them. The Monarchs are top quality scopes.
Long Time Long Ranger- Sounds like a great deal for one of the new Monarchs. I mean absolutely no direspect for you, nor do I mean to insult you, but I am leery of buying things off the internet. Afraid of getting burned I guess. Have never even bought off ebay. Probably lose out on some good deals too. If I was in your neck of the woods I would likely look you up. Thanks, Al
Well, I have been on here for 6 years and built rifles for people all over the country and to my knowledge have never done anyone wrong. But I can understand your concerns on the internet.
Long Time Long Ranger- Sounds like a great deal for one of the new Monarchs. I mean absolutely no direspect for you, nor do I mean to insult you, but I am leery of buying things off the internet. Afraid of getting burned I guess. Have never even bought off ebay. Probably lose out on some good deals too. If I was in your neck of the woods I would likely look you up. Thanks, Al
you are in fact missing some good buys. ive purchased lots of items on ebay, including scopes. ive made several purchases where the items werent as advertised, and the sellers returned my money and told me to keep the item. sellers are most concerned about buyer feedback. in over 70 transactions, ive had but 1 bad experience. that was for a $112 kowa eyepiece, which i got kowa to repair.
For all the talk of purchasing Leupold for the customer service, haven't used the CS of Sightron. I had a issue with a scope just days before leaving on a hunting trip. Called Sightron and they next day aired a scope to me and told me to send the faulty scope back after the return of my trip. I had many other scope but this was my first opportunity to use Sightrons CS.

I have a 2.5-8X36 VXIII at Leupold that has been there for almost 3 weeks. It's suppose to ship today and I'm sure it will but next day is nice.

If you contact them at the time, the wait is about 3 weeks.

Sightron all the way

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