Nightforce Zero Issues

yote doctor

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2010
Big Sky Country
I have a NXS3.5-15x50 on my 270wsm. It held zero great until I started really working the dials out on the range. Twice now I have re-zeroed. At 100 yards, it was off more than 6 inches at about 2 oclock. I adjusted, shot out to 300, 400, 450, 500 and back to 200 where my zero is at. Was tits! Then I went out for an afternoon and shoot 30 rounds or so out to 1,100 yrds and dialed down to zero. Then went to the range again and zero was off again! Help? It has to be the scope. I have checked mounts over and over!

How long is the turn around from Nightforce? Anybody with similar issues?

With your rifle set at zero, where does your turrets sit?
Are they hard up at the limit of the travel or near the optical center of the scope? If they are near the limits of travel any scope will play up!

Also check to see that your scope is mounted "STRESS FREE". Mounts that are not correctly fitted and have bad alignment can place a lot stress on a scope tube, bend it and cause possible damage to the scope.

What you are describing is a scope under stress.
With your rifle set at zero, where does your turrets sit?
Are they hard up at the limit of the travel or near the optical center of the scope? If they are near the limits of travel any scope will play up!

Also check to see that your scope is mounted "STRESS FREE". Mounts that are not correctly fitted and have bad alignment can place a lot stress on a scope tube, bend it and cause possible damage to the scope.

What you are describing is a scope under stress.

Bingo! +1 100%

What kind of base and rings ?

Thanks for the info. The turrets have lots of travel left. I will check out the stress levels.

I am using TPS TSR alloy steel rings and badger base.
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check the screws in your bases. than can be torqued properly and appear tight but if they are too long (bottomed out) then they are loose as a goose and you have no idea. so be sure you dont have a long screw where a short screw goes, then lap everything and retorque and put it together. if that doesnt fix it id call nf.
Any way whatsoever that it was the wind or temperature difference between the long range shooting and the conditions at the range you use to zero your scope? Just trying to rule everything out. Never had a zero issue with my NXS.
I have 3 with out any issues. I also use nf rings and base and torque per specs. But, anythung mechanical is subject to breakdown.
No the temperatures where very similar at the time. I will also check the screws. Its one of those things...

I love the scope and plan on keeping it and getting more down the road. Just currently a big problem for me. I have missed shots on animals because of this particular issue. I will take it all apart and start over and go from there. Then if I have to send it out, hopefully the turn around on the repair isnt too long.

Thanks for the input guys

No the temperatures where very similar at the time. I will also check the screws. Its one of those things...

I love the scope and plan on keeping it and getting more down the road. Just currently a big problem for me. I have missed shots on animals because of this particular issue. I will take it all apart and start over and go from there. Then if I have to send it out, hopefully the turn around on the repair isnt too long.

Thanks for the input guys


Good luck. I have never had an issues with my NF, but from what I hear, their customer service is top notch.
I like having rails and rings to fit ,easy to do a swap and test. Not sure what your running, but I had issues with a base loosing up, harder to notice. I would check stock also for torque fit on screws.
I like having rails and rings to fit ,easy to do a swap and test. Not sure what your running, but I had issues with a base loosing up, harder to notice. I would check stock also for torque fit on screws.

I had an issue with a lose base as well that gave me fits until I figured it out. Good advice from previous guys to take it all the way down to removing the base, remount everything, re-zero and try again.

Zero the rifle at 100, then do a box test. Draw a very precise 12" square with your "zero"dot in the middle. Dial up and left 6 moa, shoot..... you should be in the upper left corner, dial right 12 moa, shoot......... you get the idea. If it don't pass send it to NF.

I sent one to them a month or so ago to change to the high speed turrets with zero stop. It took less than 3 weeks including the shipping both ways. Get on their web site and print out a return form, then call them for a return authorization number. They will take care of you.
Found the problem. Could have been the combination of two things. I took it all apart and started over. Base did seem a little lose... I did get partial turns of a screwdriver on my stock mounting screws also. Not the first time I have forgot to check those:rolleyes:.

Then remounted and re-zeroed. Did lot of dialing up and down, shooting throughout. Held zero!
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