Nightforce Scope NP-R1 Retinal Question


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
Bulahdelah, Australia
Hi Everybody
I have just bought a Nightforce 5.5-22x50 Scope with NP-R1 Retinals and was hopeing somebody could please tell me which retinal position to use for my 100 yard zero, the very top one in the scope on the vertical or the centre cross bar in the middle with the windage marks?
I understand, I would zero on the cross in the middle. Then reset your elevation and windage knobs to zero and lock them down. Then after working out your drops you can simply dial up the needed elevation and use a zero hold for the shot. To correct for wind you have the option of using the reticle for hold or do as I do and dial it too for a dead center hold. Good choice, the NP-R1 is myfavorite NF reticle.

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