Nightforce NXS battery compartment


Jun 5, 2009
Hi guys.

Just picked up my new nightforce scope and i think i must be having a mental block on how to get into the battery compartment.

here is a pic of what it looks like when i unscrew the parallax cap


can anyone help?
The cap is removed by turning it counter clockwise.

Looks like you spun the aluminum "outer cap" off the stainless "inner cap". There is an "O" ring that should be on the inner cap.

Try turning that stainless cap off, and you should be in business. You can then either epoxy the two back together or send it back for repair.
The cap is removed by turning it counter clockwise.

Looks like you spun the aluminum "outer cap" off the stainless "inner cap". There is an "O" ring that should be on the inner cap.

Try turning that stainless cap off, and you should be in business. You can then either epoxy the two back together or send it back for repair.

epoxy! What's with that?? Sounds like somethin' I'd design.:rolleyes: And I just bought one, haven't seen it yet though.
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