Nightforce issue/question


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
Texas Hill Country
I have a Nightforce NXS 5.5-22 and lately I am having an issue with it. Let me give you an example of what it's doing. Today when shooting at 200 yards I needed to dial up 3" so I dial 1.5 moa. First shot is about 6" higher than original poi. Second shot about 4" higher than original poi and then 3rd shot is where it's supposed to be at 3" higher than original poi. All remaining shots stay at the correct location. But if I dial for a new poi it does the same thing. What could be going on?
I would try doing a "box" test to eliminate if it is the scope or not. Search on YouTube and you can see how this is performed. Otherwise, if you are convinced it is the scope then just send it back to NF.
Can you repeat this behavior when dialing back to zero and shoot 5 shots and then back up 1.5moa again and fire 5 shots?
I would try doing a "box" test to eliminate if it is the scope or not. Search on YouTube and you can see how this is performed. Otherwise, if you are convinced it is the scope then just send it back to NF.

Thank you I will give that a try.

Also make sure you have eliminated parrallax from the situation.

Yes sir.

Can you repeat this behavior when dialing back to zero and shoot 5 shots and then back up 1.5moa again and fire 5 shots?

Didn't try this but next time I go to range I will.
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