Night vision optics


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2012
South Dakota
I am interested in purchasing a nightvision or thermal optic. I have done some research but am unsure which way to go. I am interested in opinions from members that have experience prior to making a purchase. I am leaning toward a gen 3 monocular or a FLIR scout. Any thoughts?
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I would be using in for early AM observation during hunting season, also at night when walking out after hunting. It would be a stand alone model. No more magnification than 2 or 3X.
I have experience observing big game, livestock and humans at night with Gen III intensified and thermal sights/cameras. I definitely prefer thermal over intensified.

I've used the FLIR Scout TS and it has a "feature" I don't like. The sky is cold at night. When the skyline drops into the field of view, the system auto gains and causes the terrain to look warm, which masks the presence of warm subjects. To prevent this auto gain process, you have to keep sky out of the field of view, which is difficult in the mountains because the skyline is not flat.

I spoke to a FLIR salesman at the SHOT Show who acknowledged the issue and told me I should use a different model. You should talk to FLIR about this issue.
Thank you for that info. The FLIR scout is what I have been leaning towards purchasing. I will definitely consider this prior to any purchase.
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