Nice Idaho coyote.............


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Went out calling yesterday & had a coyote hang up at 350 yards. Could'nt coax him any closer so I took the shot. The 52 grain Hornady A-Max out of my custom 22-250 dead centered his chest! Love that bullet & it never exits. Coyotes look like they died of old age.
Thanks, Kirk
Went out calling yesterday & had a coyote hang up at 350 yards. Could'nt coax him any closer so I took the shot. The 52 grain Hornady A-Max out of my custom 22-250 dead centered his chest! Love that bullet & it never exits. Coyotes look like they died of old age.
Thanks, KirkView attachment 162352
Beautiful coyote our Easterns are not as pretty,that would bring 200 here to a taxidermist,good shooting.
Nice yote! I know the 50gr vmax works on badgers and sage rats. Hoping to try the 53gr vmax in my AR this year. Burned up the barrel in my 22-250 and am going to rebarrel to 260 AI. But I sure do miss having a 22-250.
Just dawned on me that the A-Max is no more. Which one took its place? Can't be the V-Max, it is a flat base. Must be the ELD-M or ELD-X. Do they get the same results on fur? Don't really like the baseball size holes on the backside.
Just dawned on me that the A-Max is no more. Which one took its place? Can't be the V-Max, it is a flat base. Must be the ELD-M or ELD-X. Do they get the same results on fur? Don't really like the baseball size holes on the backside.
I think it is the ELD-M. Don't know if they would work as well. If not, the 52 & 53 match hollow points work great on fur with the velocity I get from that 28" Shilen barrel.
As far as I know in the 22 cal line up the ELD-M replaced the AMAX's. But not all the VMAX's are flat based. I've used the 50gr which is a boat tail and have gotten some 53gr VMAX's. The 53 grainers are boat tails and have a high BC for their weight class.
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