Nice 4th of July gift


Dec 5, 2007
Central North Carolina
Just got this email from a customer. Always good to hear from a happy customer Dan,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm extremely pleased with my 338 LM that you built for me. I'd previously limited my range to about 230 yards because of my inexperience and lack of knowledge of where any problems may have been (like is it the rifle? is it my handloads? is it my ability?). I've since moved out to 620 yards and I'm keeping it on paper. That's about 3 times better than what I've been able to do in the past. No doubt this is a fine rifle and you did a great job.

On a side note, not seeing too much of you on LRH. Hopefully you're still making rifles and will keep a lot of folks happy as you've done for me.

David Howard
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