i've been using a newcon 2000 for 3 years now and am looking to upgrade. i'm probably about like you, starting to venture beyond 1k. i don't always get readings at 900. it cost me a nice buck this year, just couldn't get a reading where he was, guessed 925, went just over his back. i've got readings over 2400 on road signs but the **** deer don't carry a reflective board on their back so i can get a reading. my point to this is if you want to go over 1k, the 2000 newcon isn't enough. will get to 1k and beyond most of the time, but not always. very sensitive to what it's bouncing off of. i'm seriously considering a terripin, it's out of my price range but i won't be going through the rangefinder upgrade in a couple more years.